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Services in Michigan





Depression ranges from mild to severe in nature, creating both lethargy and a sense of hopelessness. Psychotherapy is a first step in alleviating depression and its symptoms-before referral for medication. By learning new skills you can overcome feelings of futility and hopelessness and move beyond depression.



Stress comes from many sources. Your job, family, a personal crisis, relationships, extended grief, or illness can influence your ability to function in the areas most important to you. Prolonged stress has damaging results. While mild short-term stress can be motivating, chronic stress puts you at risk in every area of your life, including your mental, emotional, and physical health. Recognizing how stress manifests itself and how to alleviate it, gives you the ability to make necessary changes.

Grief and Loss


Whether your loss is new or occurred years ago, the subsequent grief can interfere with your day-to-day living and have serious negative effects on life overall. If you are overwhelmed with relentless sorrow, both short- and long-term grief counseling are available. Grief counseling offers a path to relief from unpleasant and painful feelings and helps give a sense of freedom to enjoy life again.



Trauma often interferes with present functioning. Through psychotherapy, gain awareness of the impact of traumatic experiences and develop strategies for accessing inner resources. Counseling allows you to move through the blocks created by the trauma so you can move forward and improve your well-being.

Relationships and Divorce 


Without understanding expectations and behavioral patterns in a marriage ending in divorce, these same patterns are replicated in the next relationship. Counseling helps you find ways to constructively mourn the end of a marriage, change self-defeating ways of relating, and prevent anger from being expressed to your ex-spouse through your children. Being able to forgive yourself and your ex-spouse for the events leading to the end of your marriage is an important outcome of divorce counseling.

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